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The Benefits of Tinted Windows in San Diego

Benefits of Tinted Windows

Let’s be honest. Tinted windows raise the cool-factor on almost any modern car. With the exception of restored classics, most cars with no window tint just look…unfinished. At Car Stereo City in San Diego, we’ll admit that we dig the mysterious air of a good, dark window tint.* But we have a practical side, too. We also appreciate tinted windows for the added safety, security, and energy efficiency they provide.  

Are you thinking about tinting the windows of your vehicle? Here are a few reasons why we think you should. 

Tinted Windows Offer Protection from UV Rays

Studies have shown that more than half of skin cancers in the United States occur on the left side of the body. Some doctors believe this is due to the ultraviolet (UV) rays coming in through car windows on the driver’s side. A quality tinting film can block 99% of harmful UV rays. Tinted windows = smart move. 

Keep the Glare Out of Your Eyes with Window Tinting

Though you may not realize it, the glare of the sun’s light on the various surfaces inside your car hinders your vision. Even momentary vision impairment can lead to potentially dangerous situations.  A tint on your vehicle’s windows will drastically reduce the amount of glare bouncing around in your car.  And if you’re seeing better, chances are, you’re driving better, too. 

Keep Your Car Private and Secure With Tinted Windows

This one is pretty simple. If your car windows are tinted, it’s harder to see inside from the outside.  This helps add to your air of mystery while you’re out there driving around. It also helps protect your valuables from thieves who break into cars to take what they see through the windows.  

Car Window Tinting Offer Upholstery Protection

Sunlight fades and damages upholstery, and heat can crack and warp the hard surfaces.  A window tint not only blocks direct sunlight and UV rays, but it can also block up to 70% of the thermal energy that increases the temperature in your car. If you love your car’s interior as much as you love its exterior, this is reason enough to get your windows tinted. 

Tint Your Windows for Car Accident Safety

In the case of an accident, the film used to tint car windows can prevent glass from shattering all over the car. The tiny pieces of glass that might otherwise go flying around usually stick to the film instead.  While this may not be the first thing most people consider when tinting their car windows, it’s certainly an added bonus.

Tinted Windows Can Save Gas Money

The harder an air conditioner has to fight to keep an interior cool, the more energy it requires. So it stands to reason that when your tinted windows are blocking up to 70% of the thermal energy (heat) coming at your car from the sun, your air conditioner doesn’t have to work quite so hard to keep you cool. You get what we’re saying here, right? This means tinted windows save you gas money! 

Contact Car Stereo City in San Diego for Expert Window Tinting

In San Diego, we get approximately 265 days of sunshine per year. It’s beautiful, yes, but without the right protection, it’s also potentially damaging. At Car Stereo City, we’ve got you covered. Come on in, and we’ll tint your windows. It’ll improve the comfort, safety, and energy efficiency of your ride. And, yeah, it’ll raise your cool-factor, too. Contact Car Stereo City by calling (858) 277-1823.

*Remember: it’s important to follow state laws and guidelines for allowable percentages of tint darkness. 

*Remember: it’s important to follow state laws and guidelines for allowable percentages of tint darkness.